Mgr. Dana Hradcová, Ph.D. ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Head of the Department of Organisation Studies Current affiliation Faculty of Humanities (FHS), Charles University, Head of the Department of Organisation st Fields of interest Care studies and empirical ethics; sociology of disability; social and health services; sc technology studies; ethnographic research methods Teaching 2001–2010, 2019– Department of Management and Supervision in Social and Health Organisatio curriculum development; lecturer: diagnosing organisation, human resources management, qua and practice research 2017– PhD programmes Applied Ethics and Longevity Studies FHS lecturer: care and empirical ethics and qualitative research 2010–2019 The Centre of Expertise in Longevity and Long-term Care FHS researcher, lecturer Research activities 2019– Czech Science Foundation, 19-07724S: Vulnerable residents in fragile residences: An tensions of residential care; co-investigator 2018 Czech Health Research Council NV18-09-00587: Long-term care for patients with dementi the current situation in the Czech Republic and Europe, possibilities of transformation of care regarding quality of life, quality of care and resource use; member of the research t 2015–2018 Czech Health Research Council NV15-32942A: Case management as a complex interven its impact on resource utilisation and the quality of life of patients and caregivers; coo research team member 2016–2017 FWF – Czech Science Foundation 16-34873L: The Czech - Austrian Project, The Long member of the research team 2010– South Moravia Region: Gerontological and organizational supervision in residential i leader, researcher, consultant Education 2008–2015 Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Praha (Ph.D. in Applied Ethics); diss and Power in Social Health Services: Ethics of Practice in Long Term Care” 1989–1993 Faculty of Education, Charles University, Praha (MA in Special Education) Other activities 2016–2019 Director of The Centre of Expertise in Longevity and Long-term Care, FHS 2016– PhD Programme Board of Longevity Studies at FHS 2018– Research Ethics Committee of FHS Publications Hradcová, D. and Synek, M. 2020. “The Rest is Noise: On Describing Cognitive Multiplicity. QualitativeResearch: First Published Online December 2020. Hradcová, D., and M. Synek. 2020. „Obdělávat svou zahradu: Spekulativní etika Maríi Puig d [Let Us Cultivate Our Garden: Speculative Ethics of María Puig de la Bellacasa].” Sociolog Czech Sociological Review 56 (2). Hradcová, D., M. Synek, I. Holmerová, and J. Zgola. 2020. “Promoting the Enjoyment of Food Care: The Bon Appetit Intervention in Care Homes.” In Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Evidence-Based Practice, edited by E. Moniz-Cook, and J. Manthorpe, 244–259. London: Jessi Publishers. Synek, M., D. Hradcová, R. Carboch, and D. Jahodová. 2019. „Kritické gesto a záležitosti p souřadnicích ne/způsobilosti [The Dis/ability Coordinates of the Critical Gesture and Matt Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 55 (5): 587–614. Iliffe, S., J. Wilcock, M. Synek, R. Carboch, D. Hradcová, and I. Holmerová. 2019. “Case M People with Dementia and Its Translations: A Discussion Paper.” Dementia 18 (3): 951–969. Synek, M., D. Hradcová, D. Jahodová, and R. Carboch. 2017. „O (ne)soudržnosti pečování: Mn ontologie života s demencí [On (In)coherence of Caring: Multiple Ontologies of Life with D Biograf (65–66): 5–51. Hradcová, D. 2017. „Relational Approach to Ethics and Quality Improvement in Institutional with Dementia.” Annals of Palliative Medicine 6(4): 319–326. Hradcová, D. 2016. „Život na pomezí: Koordinace péče pro lidi s demencí v domově se zvlášt [Life on the Border: Coordination of Care for People with Dementia in Home with Special Re a gerontologie (5) 3: 135–139. Waageová, A., I. Holmerová, M. Baumanová, D. Hradcová, M. Mátlová, and H. Vaňková. 2015. „ problematiky kvality v dlouhodobé péči [An Introduction to Quality of Long-term Care].” In – geriatrické aspekty a kvalita, edited by I. Holmerová, 104–127. Praha: Grada. Baumanová, M., D. Hradcová, E. Jarolímová, V. Pírková, M. Válková, H. Vaňková, and A. Waag „Indikátory pro hodnocení kvality dlouhodobé geriatrické péče definující standardní úroveň dlouhodobé geriatrické péče [Quality Indicators for Geriatric Long-term Care].” In Dlouhod geriatrické aspekty a kvalita, edited by I. Holmerová, 148–171. Praha: Grada. Hradcová, D., L. Hájková, M. Mátlová, H. Vaňková, and I. Holmerová. 2014. “Quality of Care Dementia in Residential Care Settings and ‚The Vážka‘ Quality Certification System of the Society.” European Geriatric Medicine 5 (6): 430–434. Hradcová, D., I. Holmerová, M. Mátlová, and H. Vaňková. 2013. „Gerontologická a organizačn – odborná podpora a organizační supervize v zařízeních pro seniory zřizovaných Jihomoravsk [Gerontological and Organisational Supervision in Instituions for Older People].” Geriatri (2)3: 105–107. Holmerová, I., N. Baláčková, M. Baumanová, L. Hájková, D. Hradcová, P. Hýblová, H. Janečko Jarolímová, L. Kabelka, M.Mátlová, H. Nováková, J. Suchá, M. Sůsová, H. Vaňková, P. Veleta 2013. „Strategie České alzheimerovské společnosti P-PA-IA: Péče a podpora lidem postiženým demence [Strategy of Czech Alzheimer Society. Care and Support for People Living with Deme a gerontologie 2 (3): 158–164. Havrdová, Z., I. Šolcová, D. Hradcová, and E. Rohanová. 2010. „Kultura organizace a syndro [Organisational Culture and Burnout Syndrom].” Československá psychologie 64 (3): 235–248.