The programme focuses on analysis and reflection of practice in service and on its research. Its main aims are:
• To provide students with the opportunity to study the relation between the theoretical and practical experience in management and supervision in social and health organisations involving social work
• To provide training in the methods of data collections, analysis and interpretation in relation with the evaluation of the activity of an organisation
• To provide students with the opportunity to reflect ethic elements of decision-making and value-based practice in social and health organisation involving social work and to comment on them qualifiedly
• To provide students with the opportunity to study the consequences of macro and micro interventions and changes in the organisation in relation to behaviour and life of employees and users
• To support the development of knowledge and self-reflection of students in relation to their own professional work
• To provide students, according to their specialisation, with the training in methods and techniques of managing or supervising in the specialised field of practice