Profile of graduates

A profile of the qualification of graduates continues in their previous qualification in bachelor or master programme, which has prepared them for some of regulated or unregulated “assisting” professions (social worker, social-health worker, health-care worker etc.). It corresponds to an area of social work with a multidisciplinary approach and provides the graduates with:

- Qualification requirements for a position of a social worker in accordance with the legal act no.108/2006 of the Code on social services and requirements of the Association of the educator in the social work, even for the level of middle and higher management in organisations of services of social work and in organisations, which coordinate services of social work, alternatively social-health and health-care services, or supervisors, alternatively researchers and analysts in social and health-care institutions.

Last change: October 16, 2020 15:06 
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Charles University

Faculty of Humanities

Management and Supervision

in Social and Health Organisations

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