Evaluation of studies

The evaluation is carried out on three levels. Firstly, the operational level of schooling is continuously monitored three times in a term - whether the students have access to information, which their need, in time and in sufficient amount, whether they understand, what is expected and wanted from them, working conditions, the willingness of the study programme etc. In the same frequency it is also monitored, how a student assesses a teacher, the comprehensibility, content and quality of the schooling. Both monitoring is performed anonymously, in written or electronic form of a survey with open queries. As not less important for the evaluation of the studies it is possible to consider the feedbacks from coordinators and self-reflection of learning by students in the frame of their portfolios of personal development.

Approximately once in five year an in-depth evaluation of the programme is carried out, during which it is monitored the employment of graduates, the feedback on the usage of study findings in the practice and the carrier growth of the graduates. For such an evaluation, both questionnaires and focus groups comprising of graduates are used, as well as individual interviews with them.

Last change: October 16, 2020 11:42 
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