Mgr. Pavla Povolná, Ph.D.

Field focus

Ethics in healthcare, financial management in healthcare organizations, community care, patient education and participative practice in healthcare systems. Research in the field of community care and development, the interface of health and social care.


Ethics, Healthcare systems in international comparison, Community development, Economics and economic subjects in the system of the healthcare and social services, Financial management and business plan, Participatory approaches in social and healthcare organizations

Work experiences

2018 – present: FHS UK Department of Organizational Studies,

Management and Supervision Program

2015 - 2020 IPVZ: Head of the Department of Non-Medical Professionals

2018 – present: Head manager of ERASMUS plus SiDeCare project, creation of

curriculum for professionals and nonprofessionals carers in

the field of care for patients living with Alzheimer's


2010 LF3.UK: Teacher of special subjects (nursing)

2008 – 2010: Ministry of health, Department of Education and Science

2009 – present: Nurse in out-patient cardiology department

Other work experiences

general nurse

FNKV ICU coronary unit until 2012

MNNP cardiology outpatient clinic until 2005

Gyncentrum s.r.o. until 2001

Resuscitation Department Rescue services until 1989

Selected professional activities

Lectures at conferences, healthcare professional events

Act No. 96/2004 Coll. "On non-medical professions", education for health care providers 10/2019 Agel, Prostějov

Education system for volunteers in health care. II. Year of the national conference - Development of activities to support health and quality of care in health care facilities organized by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with Military hospital in Prague under the personal warranty of the Minister of Health 11/2018

Ethics of providing health care. Retraining course of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs: Healthy Nutrition Advisor, ADP, Prague 9/2018, 9/2017

Ethics and Etiquette. Workshop for hospital staff. IPVZ, Kolín, 5/2018

Amendment to Act No. 96/2004 Coll. "On non-medical professions". Professional conference for representatives of health care providers.

IPVZ, Prague 10 and 11/2017

IPVZ, Prostějov Hospital 12/2017

Communication in health care. Spring medical seminars: Medila s.r.o., Dačice, Hradec Králové, Turnov 3-4/2017

Communication in health care. Autumn seminar Medila s.r.o., Pardubice 11/2016

Non-cardiological issues in the cardiology clinic - the point to solve for a nurse. Annual XXIV. Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology, Brno 5/2016

Communication between the patient and the healthcare professional in the cardiology clinic, or: is it necessary to understand patients if we are to take good care of them? Annual XXIII. Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology, Brno 5/2016, presidency of the block, nursing section

Health care professionals-patient communication, or unsolicited answers and unsubstantiated questions. Annual XXII. Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology, Brno 5/2016

Caring for a patient with AIM, or "the ant has broken". Annual IXX. Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology, Brno 5/2011, presidency of the block, nursing section

Florence Nightingale - Déjà vu of today's nursing. Annual XVIII. Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology, Brno 5/2010, presidency of the block nursing section

Education of seniors in intensive care. Annual XVII. Congress of the Czech Society of Cardiology, Brno 5/2009, presidency of the block nursing section

Other professionals activities

• Participation in the preparation and implementation of the international project ERASMUS + SiDeCar - education of caring professionals and lay carers in the care of patients living with Alzheimer's disease. IPVZ as a partner organization. Position: general project manager.

• Experience with the preparation of project plans within the ESF (call 03-15-039 supported activity B specialized education of health professionals).

IPVZ: position: head of the department of non-medical professions.

• Cooperation within the INDEED project, participation in meetings within the project.

The main researcher NUDZ. Position: stakeholder.

• Supervision and opponents opinions of diploma theses Bc. and Mgr. medical qualification programs with a medical focus.

• Preparation and implementation of accredited educational programs of specialization education (Organization and management in health care, Community nursing care, Community care in midwifery, Perfusiology).

• Preparation and implementation of accreditation of educational programs for certified courses (Specific care for patients with multiple sclerosis, Diagnosis and therapy using prisms for orthoptists, Prenatal ultrasound diagnostics for midwives, Psychotherapy for nurses, Course for coordinators of volunteers in medical facilities, Assistant of medical examiner).

• Implementation of events - one-day lifelong learning courses for non-medical health professionals

Membership in professional societies and groups

• Member of the Horizon Europe Advisory Group.

• Member od Accreditation commission of The Ministry of Health for non-medical professions

• Member of Czech Nursing Association

• Member of The working group of The ministry of Health for the Reform of psychiatric care (5 – 12/2019)

Last change: May 12, 2021 12:22 
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Management and Supervision

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